Roti Tissue

Roti Tissue - Malaysia & Singapore

30. Oct 2023
Roti Tissue

Roti tissue, also known as roti tisu or tisu prata, is a delightful sweet flatbread that is commonly found at Mamak stalls in Malaysia and Singapore. This unique treat is sometimes referred to as "roti helikopter" or helicopter bread due to its incredibly thin and crispy texture, resembling a piece of tissue paper, measuring about 40–50 cm in diameter. 

You can easily find roti tissue at most local Mamak stalls in Malaysia and Singapore. It can be served plain or adorned with sweet toppings like sugar and kaya (jam). Some enjoy it in combination with accompaniments like ice cream. 

The popularity of roti tissue has extended to neighboring Indonesia, where it has become a popular street food item, particularly in areas with a significant Malay and Indian-Indonesian community.


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